- Determine program/conference dates.
- Determine the number of residential participants and staff expected.
- Determine the number of commuters expected.
- Determine type of housing for program/conference. Housing options include apartment, modern suite-style single or double rooms, and traditional single or double rooms.
- Decide if participants need to be separated on different floors. Please note: Some youth programs/conferences will separate genders on different floors.
- Decide if your program/conference would like to utilize our online registration services. There is a $27.50 registration fee per person.
- Determine how many chaperones your program/conference requires. Groups with minors (children under the age of 18) must provide at least one chaperone (an individual 18 years of age or older) per 10 minors.
- Propose check-in and check-out times and locations to SPCS in writing. Check-in and check-out times are not to exceed 4 hours. Please note: All guests must check-out by 11am.
- Determine and communicate in writing to SPCS if SPCS staff is needed to assist with check-in and check-out.
- Inform SPCS of any guests who will be arriving early and/or departing late.
- Decide if your program/conference will need linen service.
- Inform SPCS in writing of your program/conference emergency contact and his/her phone number(s).
- Determine and communicate to SPCS if any attendees require an ADA accessible room.
Meeting Spaces
- Reserve meeting spaces and event spaces for your program/conference. Please note: Some outdoor events may need a backup rain location.
- Obtain furniture and audio/visual information for meeting and event spaces. Please note: Furnishings and AV vary from space to space throughout campus.
- Determine if your program/conference requires any additional audio/visual equipment and order equipment and technician services if necessary.
- Obtain schematic of room set-up for meeting spaces (tables, chairs, podium, microphone, etc.) along with planned set-up time. The department contact for each meeting or event space should be able to provide you with meeting room and event space information.
- Work with meeting and/or event space contact to learn space policies and procedures for set-up, tear-down, cleaning, etc.
- Determine if access to a computer lab is needed for your program/conference.
- Determine if your program/conference will use meal cards, partake in catered events, or both.
- Contact Katherine Jones ( at Bon Appétit Catering to plan catered events, order boxed lunches, etc.
- Complete “Meal Point Request Form” on SPCS website to order meal cards. Please note: Meal cards must be ordered two weeks prior to check-in date.
- Determine optimum meal times for your program/conference (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and communicate this information to Bon Appétit and SPCS in writing.
- Determine if the attendees will eat as a group or individually and communicate this information to Bon Appétit and SPCS in writing.
- Determine if any food will be delivered to residence hall and contact SPCS and Housekeeping with delivery date(s) and time(s). Trash receptacles must be placed in the residence halls and removed by Housekeeping if food is brought indoors.
Parking & Transportation
- Obtain parking permits from Parking and Transportation Services.
- Arrange shuttle services, if needed, through the Parking and Transportation Services office.
- Inform Parking and Transportation Services of any buses or shuttles coming to campus.
- Determine if participants will need a mailbox assignment if they will be receiving mail while on campus.
- Order signage to direct participants to drop-off zones, check-in/check-out, etc.
- Create an official agenda or program for your program/conference and submit this to the SPCS office.
- Determine if program/conference attendees need recreational facility passes.
- Determine if wireless or wired internet access is needed in sleeping rooms.
- Determine if network printing is needed in sleeping rooms.
August – October
- PD to determine the potential dates, number of participants, and housing preferences.
(Choices of housing preferences include apartment style, modern building or traditional building and single or double rooms.) - PD to contact SPCS office to reserve housing.
- PD to determine meeting rooms and event locations for program/conference.
- SPCS to assign an SPCS main contact who will work with you throughout the booking, planning, execution, and wrap-up of your program/conference.
- PD to book meeting rooms and event spaces with appropriate department contact.
- PD to review the “Planning Checklist” and complete tasks as needed.
November – January
- SPCS will create a contract for your program/conference and your SPCS main contact will meet with you to thoroughly review the contract and answer any questions you may have.
- PD to sign contract and return to the SPCS office 30 days after meeting.
- SPCS contact will be available for questions and concerns from PD.
- SPCS to gather PD questions and concerns for campus service providers during summer months. Questions and concerns will be presented at the Service Provider Meeting in March.
- SPCS to conduct campus wide survey of summer programs with and without housing.
- PD can now book pooled classrooms through Event Services.
- SPCS to schedule and facilitate Service Provider Meeting where information is shared about summer services, PD concerns are discussed, and PD questions are reviewed, etc. in order to prepare for the Program Director Meeting in April.
- PD to contact Rosemary Pastore with Dining Services to begin planning catered events.
- PD begins to send SPCS detailed program information including finalized agenda, meal times, transportation plans, check-in and check-out details, etc.
- SPCS to schedule and facilitate Program Director Meeting in early April. At this meeting, service providers give an overview of their summer operational plans, supply informational handouts, and provide a forum for PD to ask questions, clarify information, and make suggestions.
May – August
One Month Prior to Program/Conference
- PD to send SPCS finalized program/conference agenda for inclusion in SPCS generated event specification sheet.
- PD to contact Dining Services at least 2 weeks in advance of program/conference check-in date to order meal points.
- PD to provide instructions for room sets, AV requirements, and other event information to department managing reserved space(s).
- PD to provide number of commuters to SPCS.
- PD to contact Parking and Transportation Services regarding parking passes, shuttling, and any other parking and transportation needs.
- SPCS to email Excel room assignment spreadsheet to PD. PD to complete room assignment spreadsheet with participant names, room assignments, and check-in/check-out dates.
Two Weeks Prior to Program/Conference
- PD to email completed Excel room assignment spreadsheet to SPCS.
- SPCS complies and distributes event specification sheets to all service providers and PD.
- SPCS works with PD to schedule and facilitate pre-conference meeting.
One Week Prior to Program/Conference
- PD to submit final participant count at least 72 hours prior to check-in to avoid additional fees.
- PD must communicate early cancellations to SPCS office 72 hrs in advance of check-in to avoid additional fees.
- PD to submit six copies of final program/conference agenda to the SPCS office. This is a great resource for SPCS staff members and others to use when handling questions pertaining to your conference.
After Event
- PD to return keys to SPCS.
- SPCS will submit final billing to Residential Life accounting. Final bill will be posted on AIS in the form of an IDO which is to be completed within one month of check-out date.
- SPCS will email PD an electronic post-event survey in order to gather feedback.